prescription vs medical note

by Kushie
(Port Elizabeth, South Africa)

Can You Use a Prescription in Place of a Medical Note when You Are Out Sick?

Can You Use a Prescription in Place of a Medical Note when You Are Out Sick?


I was wondering if you went to see a doctor and got your prescription but missed an exam on that day, can the prescription be used as a medical/sickness note?


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Prescription VS Medical Note from Doctor
by: David

Short answer: It Depends.

It depends on your teacher or professor. It depends on if you filled your prescription so that you could begin therapy (if so, you could not show the paper prescription to your teacher/professor.

However, you could show them the bottle, but there would be a lot of private medical information on the bottle.

You may not want to share this information with your teacher/professor. A medical note is a better option.

Probably your best choice would be to get a medical note from your doctor (when you are seen) which would indicate how long you will be excused from school/testing and when you will return.

The note would not have to say what you were being treated for; like for example, a sinus infection, or the Flu, only that you are under the treatment of so and so doctor, and the doctor would sign it.

As for how this is different from an actual prescription, please visit What Is A Prescription?, a page I've written on this site which explains which components are on a prescription.

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