Can a non-employee (although a currently licensed pharmacy tech) access records or fill prescriptions if they are assisting their pharmacist spouse at a privately owned pharmacy?

Can a non-employee ( although a currently licensed pharmacy tech) access records or fill prescriptions if assisting pharmacist spouse at a private pharmacy?

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Thats a good question for your states Board of Pharmacy
by: David

I am not in a position to answer this question. I must defer to your states board of pharmacy. Each state has different rules, statutes, and policies. Or you could ask your spouse, who is a pharmacist. S/he probably know the pharmacy employment laws better than anyone.

I wouldn't recommend accessing records or filling prescriptions since you are not an employee of this privately owned pharmacy. There are liability issues, privacy issues, and what happens if there is a mistake? I would hate to see your spouse's pharmacy license revoked due to the actions of an uninformed pharmacy technician spouse working as a non-employee. You definitely need to seek the guidance of the BOP for further clarification. I wouldn't continue doing this work as a non-employee without learning the answer to this question from your state's regulatory body for pharmacy. It seems a bit sketchy and I personally wouldn't want to go to a pharmacy that had technicians working there who were not employees. That just sounds like it isn't on the level; or that it really isn't ethical. I wouldn't want workers who weren't employees accessing my personal pharmacy records-that definitely sounds like a HIPPA violation. It just makes me feel upset, just thinking about it.

Best of luck with the Board of Pharmacy, and I hope you follow-up below with the answer you get from the Board of Pharmacy in your state.

Thank you for your question!

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