What is a "Root Cause Analysis"? And how does a pharmacy create "healthy safety culture"?

Root Cause Analysis

Root Cause Analysis

Recently there was a wrong-drug mistake at the pharmacy I'm employed at as a technician. One of my tech friends (who works at a different pharmacy) asked me if a root cause analysis was done. What is a "root cause analysis"?

Also, I've noticed some troubling things about my pharmacy, which is an independently owned and operated store. Management seems to give the pharmacists a free pass on errors and seems to always blame the techs for errors. Granted, some of the mistakes may have originated with errors in judgement on the part of Pharm Techs, however, pharmacists have a duty to check every prescription. But it gets really old. It's a culture of blaming and shaming, in front of the other techs and pharmacists and other staff. It's all about who the error started with and it's "their fault." It seems like there are other factors that should be looked at, and considered.

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